Tribulus terrestris and muscle mass gain

Despite being well known for contributing to muscle mass gain, research in humans has not found that tribulus terrestris increases muscle mass. Only animal studies have observed slight muscle growth.

Generally, testosterone should be increased when its values ​​are below the value considered normal for the person's age, but treatment should only be initiated at the recommendation of the endocrinologist and in some cases, it may be necessary to use supplements, such as Provacyl or give injections, gels or adhesives.

How to consume

Tribulus terrestris is usually taken as an extract or capsule. You should not take your plant in its fresh form and try to prepare a tea. It is interesting to take each of the three doses of tribulus during the main meals. For men, guidance is to take tribulus for four to six weeks and then take a break at the same time.

Care when consuming

Tribulus terrestris is indicated for men with erectile problems and also for people who have a hormonal drop. Tribulus terrestris can only be taken after medical advice.

Contraindications to Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus terrestris is not aimed at everyone. People who have any type of cancer should avoid it. Women with changes in the adrenal gland, excess hair, problems with clitoral hypertrophy, androgyny syndromes, hair loss and oily skin should also not consume. Tribulus terrestris is not intended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.

Risks of ingesting in excess

Excessive or prolonged consumption of tribulus terrestris can cause a number of health problems. Complications in women involve: enlarged clitoris, altered menstrual cycle, acne, increased hair and infertility. In men, the problems are: testicular atrophy and infertility. In men with prostate cancer or testicular cancer, testicular worsening may occur.

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